When the diagnostic is complete it is important to understand the codes received, checking power and grounds, doing an overview of the wiring and connectors while looking for cross-connect possibilities are on this list. Checking into the four main critical PCM/TCM inputs (Engine load, Speed Sensors, Gear Shift Position Switches or Sensor and Temperatures) as well as how the signal is generated and delivered to the controlling computer and computer strategies (ABS, torque reduction, failsafe, sport and economy modes, adaptations, manual tap shift controls, start/stop technology or neutral controls, etc.), transmission misapplication, transmission fluid and aftermarket programming, products and parts round out the list.
Having this comprehensive overview goes a long way in determining which avenue one needs to take based on the problem at hand to get to the cause as quickly as possible. The point is, you need to have a plan and know how to implement that plan. Transmission repair in Utah
couldn’t be more comprehensive.