Alright spring is here and that means it’s time to get your car ready for warmer weather. We just heard our meteorologist here talking about it. We’ve got Rod Waller here from AAMCO Utah helping us do just that in today’s sponsored segment. Thanks for being here.
Thank you for having us out today.
So, we know later this afternoon spring will officially have sprung; what does that mean for our cars?
Well, just like in winter, we’ve got to prepare them for the warmer weather. We’ve got to repair them, getting rid of the old, getting ready for the new, getting in, getting ready, making sure that everything is good to go. Primarily, we’re starting to prepare for the summer. Those hotter months, so a spring cleaning for your vehicle, like you do for your home, is the order of the day.
Alright yeah, I was gonna say, like I’m familiar with what you would do to winterize your car, but I don’t think as much or maybe people don’t realize what they need to do to “summer-ize” their car.
Well, you basically will do very similar items: you’re gonna be checking all your fluid levels, you’ll need to check your tires, but most importantly, when we were concerned about the cold, now heat and friction become our enemies because of the hotter months. So, we’ve got to prepare the cooling systems, we need to start looking at the most neglected piece of the vehicle — and that is the transmission. The transmission needs to be serviced; it needs to be looked at to make sure you don’t get stranded on that family vacation.
Right, I felt a little guilt there when you said the transmission, because I’m thinking “when was the last time I checked my transmission?”
It is the most neglected part of the vehicle, hands down.
So if you’re one of those people who says, “you know, I probably need to get my car checked by AAMCO,” and maybe you don’t have the money right away to go get that service done, I understand there’s ways you can help people out there?
You bet. We have actually got a variety of different financing plans. The one we’re finding is most popular right now is our no credit check financing. And the reason for that is people are waiting for those tax returns to come in. It’s coming in this month, next month, the following months right. So, we’ve got a no credit financing, but the other one that’s most attractive ring now is our 12-month same-as-cash. These financing options help you get that repair done, completed, so you in fact have your vehicle, and then you can pay for it when that tax return comes in.
Yeah that’s always the problem with your car, it doesn’t respect the time you have money in your bank account, right?
No, it does not. It is not a respecter of persons, right? Absolutely.
Now I understand you offer some free services; I know you just mentioned a couple of them. You’ve got free towing as part of that too right?
We do. We offer free towing with major repairs (over $500) in the Salt Lake Valley. That is something we find very important because coupled with that free towing, we do what we call a “vehicle courtesy check.” Again, that’s a free service that we provide to the community so that you can find out what’s going on with it, and then you as the consumer can make some decisions. “Do I repair it? Do I keep it? And really what is that car worth to me as a consumer?” We want to help you out with that.
Yeah just like your car doesn’t care how much money is in your bank account, it also doesn’t care where you are on the road, right?
No it really doesn’t. No it doesn’t.
Now we were talking about where you are, you’re all over the Wasatch front.
Yes, we are. We have locations from Provo all the way up to Logan. We have 10 locations conveniently located. You can find out locations on and just choose the one that’s most convenient for you. But I can guarantee that AAMCO has been doing this for 50 years, we know your vehicle. We have highly trained technical experience, that’s gonna help you keep your vehicle on the road and running in the best condition possible.
And you’ve got a promotion for people too!
We do! Right now, with our Transmission Safeguard Service we’re offering a 50% off offering through the month of March. If you can get in, we’re glad to take that look and make sure the vehicle courtesy check is done, make sure that your transmission is functioning. Again, 50% off, that’s a big deal.
Alright so there you go! You know the people to call, it’s “double a…mco.” There you go. If you’re familiar with the commercials you know what that means. See them online right there at, we have a link on our website Talking with Rod Waller from AAMCO. Rod, thanks for being with us today!
Thank you for your time, we appreciate it.
You betcha!