When the car won’t start, the most logical place to start is with
the battery. Car batteries frequently last about 5 years but can last a shorter amount of time in more extreme weather conditions (i.e. extreme cold weather, or a location with high heat and humidity). In cold weather, it is especially common to find that your battery has died. Be sure to look at your most commonly used connections… Was an overhead light left on? Were the headlights left on overnight? Once these have been turned off, try turning the car on again. You may require a jump to get the battery going again. If you are able to jump your car off and keep it running, but then dies again when you shut the car off, this is a sign there is an issue with the battery.
Look over the battery itself. Are the connections rusty or damaged looking? Do the cables look worn out? These issues can contribute to a battery issue if you’ve already gone through this experience recently. Typically, your battery is located under the hood of your car, but some models have the battery installed in the vehicle’s trunk. If you don’t know where to look, be sure to consult your owner’s manual for all information related to your battery.