Make Sure You Can Maintain Visibility
Some simple at-home winter car maintenance involves making sure you can keep your windshield clear in nasty winter weather. Swap out your wiper blades for new ones and make sure you have plenty of wiper fluid whenever you head out for a long stretch on the road. That way when your windshield gets dirty or even icy, you can clear it off and maintain visibility while driving.
Look for Winter Grade Wiper Fluid
When you buy windshield wiper fluid, take a look at what type you’re getting. Try to get a variety made for the winter months so that it won’t just freeze on your windshield. If you buy wiper fluid made for warmer months, it can freeze just as easily as water.
Make Sure You Can Maintain Visibility
Finally, you want to make sure other drivers can see you, even when visibility is low during a snow storm. Take a look at your headlights, blinkers, and taillights to make sure none of them need to be replaced. If you find some that have worn out, you should be able to easily get them replaced either by yourself or a mechanic.
Headlights, Taillights, & Blinkers Keep You Safe in Hazardous Weather
Simply put, two keys to safe driving in the winter are maintaining visibility for yourself and of your car. During a storm, your headlights, taillights, and blinkers may be the only things other drivers can see, so they will keep you safer on the road.